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Save Game Diablo 2 Median 2008

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by waroholdkmob1975 2020. 3. 3. 20:16


Diablo 2 median 2008 rune words

Contents.Story and plot detailsThe story continues where Diablo II ended. Two of the three, Mephisto and Diablo, have been defeated and their have been destroyed, preventing their return.

However, the narrator was tricked into surrendering the last Soulstone to a false which was revealed to be, the third brother and the very last remaining Prime Evil. Marius was subsequently murdered.Baal is leading an invasion against the northern barbarian lands.

His first attack, against the city of Sescheron, capital city of the Barbarian homelands, leads to the stage where Diablo II: Lord of Destruction is set:. Situated at the base of, it is home to the humans who are sworn protectors of the mountain.

Baal is currently besieging the city and destroying any settlements along the way towards the mountain's summit.Baal, the Lord of Destruction, is seeking the Worldstone, a massive crystal of great energies made to prevent the and from consuming the mortal realm completely into their respective folds. It is the source of all the Soulstones and their powers, so Baal wishes to obtain and corrupt it, thereby completing his brothers' plan to conquer the mortal realm and use it as a staging area to attack the High Heavens in their.FeaturesLord of Destruction adds a number of new features to the core gameplay of Diablo II.

These include:. A fifth act taking place in and around Mount Arreat in the northern Barbarian Highlands, with an additional act boss,. Ethereal items: These items do not fully exist in the mortal plane and appear translucent to the human eye. Because of this, they cannot be repaired and will eventually 'deteriorate', so they cannot be used anymore, but they also have better characteristics and lower requirements than their repairable equivalents. Main article:The Assassin relies on her martial arts skills and her ability to lay passive traps. Her melee attacks rely heavily on timing and skillful switching of skills, while her traps suit a fire-and-forget style of gameplay. Carrie Gordon provides the Assassin's voice.Her Shadow Disciplines tree contains a mixture of passive skills (such as Claw Mastery or Weapon Block) and buffs (such as Burst of Speed or Venom), along with a few spells such as Mind Blast which stun and confuse the enemy.

She also can summon a Shadow Warrior or Shadow Master, two of the most powerful minions in the game. The Warrior variant can use the normal attack in addition to the two skills the player has readied for herself, while the Master can use any Assassin skill, including those the player does not know herself. Both shadows have skill levels proportional to the player's level in the skills, and the Master will favor the higher level skills. The ability to direct the Warrior's skill usage allows a degree of control over her; something unique among the player minions in Diablo II.The Trap tree provides a few direct attacks, and more importantly, a number of summonable traps. The traps are stationary minions who cannot be targeted by enemies - they will attack any hostile target in range a certain number of times before breaking.

Traps are generally either based on fire or lightning, though the level 30 skill Death Sentry both shoots lightning bolts and uses a skill similar to the Necromancer's Corpse Explosion. The blade trap skills are notable in that they confer a portion of the Assassin's melee damage into their own damage - the Blade Fury, easily the most useful of the three, does 3/4 of the Assassin's normal melee damage, but at a large range and at a very fast rate.The Martial Arts tree consists of charge-up skills and finishing moves. Attacking with a charge-up skill builds up charges on the Assassin, up to three per skill, and then the finishing move releases the charges in a single powerful blow.

With the exception of the final charge-up skill, Phoenix Strike, however, each of the charge-up skills is no more effective than the normal attack; only the finishing blow receives any bonus ( Phoenix Strike has a greater Attack Rating than the normal attack, in addition to building its charges). The charge-up skills include attacks like Blades of Ice and Fists of Fire, which add elemental damage to the finishing blow, and also skills like Cobra Strike, which adds life and mana stealing to the finishing attack.

The ultimate charge-up, Phoenix Strike, uses a different spell for each level of charge (a Meteor for the first, arcing lightning for the second, and a Frozen Orb-like explosion of ice for the third), and typically requires practiced timing for releasing the combo points efficiently. The finishing blows are, for the most part, kicks, such as Dragon Talon, which releases a number of kicks in quick succession, and Dragon Flight, which teleports on to a target and kicks them, releasing any charges. Despite this intricate system, however, many Martial Arts Assassins will use Dragon Talon exclusively, as a kind of Zeal/ Smite hybridDruid.

Main article:The Druid specializes in nature-based magic, which provide a very large spectrum of possible character types. The Druid can effectively be melee, both small/fast and large/heavy hitting, or any of several types of caster, with direct damage spells, offensive minions, and support minions.

Druids are characterized by large life, even when built like a caster. The Druid is voiced by Michael Bell.The Elemental tree consists of the magic of earth and sky. The 'storm' spells have effects like Cyclone Armor, which protects the Druid from the elements, and Tornado, a vortex of swirling winds that moves somewhat randomly and can deal massive damage. The 'fire' spells are more earthly than the Sorceress's, with spells like Fissure and Volcano. The final Elemental spells are Hurricane and Armageddon; both create a storm that follows the Druid, damaging all who come too close. Hurricane is more consistent, damaging and chilling enemies within range. Armageddon, on the other hand, rains meteorites from the sky around the Druid, dealing substantial fire damage to any unlucky enough to be caught under them.


Armageddon is also notable in that it is the only skill in the game that requires each and every other skill in the tree, including Hurricane, which is also a level 30 spell. In the v1.11 patch, 'Windies' are very popular, as they are extremely durable for a caster, and a fully synergized Tornado can do very high damage, while Hurricane provides not insubstantial damage, and slows nearby monsters.The Summoning tree governs the calling of natural allies to the Druid. Druid summons are notable for often being more for support than traditional minions. While the wolves and grizzly that the Druid can summon are traditional melee summons, the other summoning spells are a bit different. The first summon, Raven, does marginal damage, but is far more useful for the fact that they cannot be attacked, and will blind enemies by pecking out their eyes. In addition, the Druid can summon one of three Spirits, which provide Paladin-like Auras. While Spirit of Barbs provides thorns aura, Oak Sage provides massive life bonuses for all allies within range, making the Druid very party friendly.

The Heart of Wolverine greatly boosts melee attack abilities, but usually the extra life afforded by Oak Sage is more valuable. Druids also can summon one of three vines. The Poison Creeper lurks underground poisoning random monsters, while the Carrion Vine and Solar Creeper consume enemy corpses for life or mana for the Druid, respectively.The Shape-Shifting tree gives the Druid the ability to become an animal himself, with gigantic bonuses to life. Druids may either become a Werewolf, who is small and quick, or a Werebear, the hulking behemoth. Each form has its own special attacks, such as the Werewolf's Feral Rage, which causes the Druid to get faster and faster as he continues to attack enemies, and adds life steal to his attacks, and the Werebear's Maul, which makes the Druid swing harder and harder as he attacks, and adds Stun to his attacks. The two forms also share attacks, such as Hunger, which only does 25% damage, but has very large life and mana steal built in.

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It is worth noting that all of the Druid's equipment functions as normal when shifted (though the shifted forms have different animations and therefore different speeds for everything), so he continues to have his item's stats, and he can still block, for example. On the other hand, the vast majority of spells cannot be cast while in Wereform.

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The Druid's Summons, and the spell Armageddon, are the only exceptions to this.Critical responseLord of Destruction is listed at Metacritic with an average rating of 87 (with one perfect score from Computer Games Online). It is described at Metacritic as an expansion that 'should reinforce the staying power of an already legendary RPG.'